Dairy Management Inc.

We partnered with Dairy Management Inc. to reinvent milk for the next decade and breathe life into a stale category with innovation pop-ups focused on multiple levels of the supply chain.



Platform Development


Consumer Collaboration

Idea Development


Consumer Research



Across the country, dairy milk consumption is in steep decline. On behalf of the nation’s 37,000+ dairy farmers and importers, Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) needed to find a way to energize the industry and get consumers excited about milk again.

Action Taken

DuPuis partnered with DMI on innovation pop-ups to support retailers, dairy brands and key audience segments. For each pop-up, we developed unique innovation platforms and concept pipelines to generate interest in and excitement for dairy milk products. For several of the pop-ups, we also deployed in-person and online consumer quals with adults and youths to pump up the concepts and uncover true consumer insights.


A DMI partner adopted a big idea in milk for commercialization. The new product will be featured as the innovative anchor in a pilot test to reimagine the dairy case. With the 2020 launch, the dramatic change in package structure will increase occasions for milk consumption.


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